The Race to a Sustainable Future

Impact 12 un sustAINABLE Goals by fighting poverty & climate change

a dual impact on People and Planet

Best Informed to Build a Better World

Impact UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals

Play a part in the worldwide effort to support the UN’s 2030 Global Goals

In 2016, the United Nations provided a policy framework for global action when it unanimously adopted the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In July 2022, ReWrite Our Story was recognized with its own listing on the UN Partnership Platform as SDG Acceleration Action 47972. As you will see on our dedicated page on the UN website or in the adjoining video, the program offers a practical and affordable way for the average person to participate in the UN’s vision of a more sustainable, inclusive and prosperous future through addressing 12 of the 2030 Goals!

What are our global “Sustainable Goals”?

“Sustainability meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”  – The United Nations 

How well do you think we are doing?


We produce enough food for 150% of earth’s inhabitants, but hunger or malnutrition takes a life every 10 seconds.

Climate Action & Sustainability

Every week we may be ingesting an average of 5 grams of microplastics, the equivalent of a credit card….   

Environmental & Wildlife Conservation

1-2% of forests across the globe are cut down each year and around 30,000 species are being driven to extinction.


Globally, 1.6 billion children are out of school and 750 million adults– two thirds of them, women– are illiterate.

See how one simple act will directly impact 12 of the 2030 Sustainable Goals

ReWrite Our Story is built on 4 key pillars, which will enable you to make a personal contribution to tackling critical humanitarian and environmental challenges at our chosen project location in Madagascar.

Relieve Poverty: Provide both work and fair income for communities living in extreme poverty through a unique “Employ to Plant” program. Play a role in tackling global inequality, reducing hunger and providing healthcare, as we create sustainable livelihoods through reforestation.

Poverty & Food Insecurity: Impact Global Goals 1, 2, 3 & 4
Human Potential & Empowerment: Impact Goals 5, 8 & 10

Restore Nature: Make a tangible contribution to the environmental conditions in Madagascar, where 90% of the primary forests have been destroyed countries. Most mangrove species only grow along coastlines, which are essential breeding grounds for ocean life, so reforesting mangrove forests also helps restore fisheries and estuary systems.

Environmental & Wildlife Conservation: Impact Goals 6, 14 & 15

Remove Carbon: Remove carbon through this reforestation on the world’s fourth largest island, which has seen the deforestation of 90% of its primary forests. We focus exclusively on mangroves, which sequester carbon at a rate up to 5 times greater than mature tropical forests.

Reduce Emissions: Receive a one-year subscription to our engaging monthly series of carbon certified insights, Sustainable Solutions, so you can reduce future emissions with personal lifestyle choices that will directly protect the planet. See the details below for more insights!

Climate Action and Sustainability: Impact Global Goals 12 & 13

2030 Sustainable Goals - How to Impact 12 Global Goals in 1 Act

Click to Get an Interactive Playbook of the “ReWrite Our Story Global Goals Initiative”



Your 12-step pathway to a low-carbon lifestyle!

Everyone who donates to the ReWrite Our Story program (at any level) receives a one-year complementary subscription to our Sustainable Solutions series—it’s a powerful resource for sustainable living.

These digital, carbon-literacy-certified materials are designed to give you a holistic view of the latest sustainability trends, thinking and initiatives. Every month you will receive the latest updates on key topics, filled with engaging and relevant content. Additionally, there are two regular articles in each installment that coach you on how to make a practical difference—through your own daily actions—in forging a more prosperous, carbon-neutral world.

Adapt & Adopt: Our in-house video series offers practical insights for changing mindsets and daily habits as a means of reducing personal carbon emissions and doing our own part to minimize our individual footprints in the future.

The Race Against Time!: Our Speed Quiz challenges offer a unique and low-key way to test your current level of understanding, while offering up fresh knowledge on the topic of the month. You can even earn your own personalized digital certificate, right on the spot!

Here are just a few of the themes covered in the 12 chapters of our Year-1 Sustainable Solutions series:

The World’s Most Important “To-Do” List – Your personal primer on the 17 Global Goals, laid out by the UN as the blueprint of a sustainable future for current and future generations.

Acclimatize to Climate Change – What are the 3 key actions that we should all focus on to reach Net Zero? Test your own knowledge of carbon sources and sinks, plus the climate challenge as a whole in our Global Warming: Race Against Time Quick Quiz. Watch the video summary of the Top Ten Innovation Initiatives that would accelerate our ability to reach Drawdown Point.

Visualize the Invisible – How does your lifestyle impact your own carbon footprint? Why has CO2 been increasing, and what are the other greenhouse gases? Take a whirlwind video trip around the globe to see the 10 countries that are now the largest emitters of greenhouse gases, plus the factors that contribute to their scores.

Reimagining Our “Take, Make, Waste” World – Innovative insights into the global effort to transition from a linear to circular economy, and how fresh thinking about our finite resources could transform our future world and culture.

Madagascar Magnified – Recent real-world insights on the transformative project you are now directly supporting—in the fourth largest island on earth with the world’s third-highest extreme poverty rating.

Some Tough-to-swallow Food Facts! – A holistic view of food waste and dietary habits that provides an action plan for reducing your own carbon footprint through this one significant area alone.

Be among the first to rethink our “Take, Make, Waste World” habits for a more sustainable and equitable future, so you can lead the way at home by modeling a low carbon lifestyle for friends and family!

Blogs and Vlogs: Be The Change You Want To See

ReWrite Our Story: Impact 12 UN Sustainable Goals &  Live a Low-carbon Lifestyle

Donate to Impact
12 of the 2030 Goals

Give monthly & plant 60 extra trees

Impact 12 Global Goals

Blue Carbon Climate
Positive Program

Opt to be carbon negative this year

Only $20/month

Families Can Also
Be Climate 

For 2 or more family members

from $40/month

Top 1% in Transparency

Our founders cover 100% of our general operating expenses with a very specific purpose: This means our donors confidently trust that 100% of every donation they make goes directly toward the environment and the positive humanitarian outcomes that our programs have been created to deliver.

The Platinum Seal of Transparency is a rating that puts Purpose on the Planet in the top 1% of charities nationally in terms of transparency and means that we have shared clear information with the public about our goals, strategies, capabilities, achievements and progress indicators.

Measurable Deliverables

Our programs are structured around measurable result requirements that are carefully implemented and reconfirmed for every donor dollar taken in. Likewise, all of our donors are updated on the collective, documented progress toward stated program goals via our annual Impact Report.

To better understand the challenges our program addresses, as well as the benefits delivered on the ground, donors can expect to receive continuous insights and tips into the tangible (and “do-able”) ways they can contribute to more effectively ensure a prosperous future.

The 2030 Global Goals Initiative

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2030 Global Goals Initiative

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